Saturday, November 6, 2010

Healthy Tips

As we watch Haiti undergo one catastrophe after another, we ought to be grateful that we have the means to avoid some of their disasters. They are experiencing a Cholera epidemic in the north. Cholera is spread there by drinking contaminated water. Many other diseases are passed to others by germs on the hands.
This is especially important before eating, snacking, or preparing food.
The Center For Diseaese Control has said that proper handwashing can help prevent illness. One need not be a germaphobe. Simply being aware of what we touch, and washing or sanitizing the hands will prevent cross-contamination. Some of the things that harbor a medley of microbes left by others are: door knobs/handles, light switches,toilet handles,keyboards,money,elevator buttons,toys,books, and much more. Keep the hands clean to stay healthy.

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